Sunday, September 17, 2006

Welcome to Underground Uni!

Welcome to Underground Uni - where I will be revealing the world's greatest secrets for outstanding academic success!

This blog, and my forthcoming book and personal learning course, will blow the the lid on how I achieved oustanding academic success...and, more importantly, how you can too!

You see, outstanding academic success isn't about natural talent, or simply working harder than everybody else. It's about developing the right mind set, so that when you approach any task, assignment or exam, you know that you will achieve...because you are thinking in the right way!

When I discovered this little known secret, I was on the way to discovering even more success secrets, all of which led to even bigger and better things for me. And, all of which I will now be revealing to you!

Please feel free to write me for issues you wish to address in my blog, or with feedback about my new book once it is published.

I'm personally excited for the journey you are about to embark on, because I know how much the material I am about to share with you transformed my life. And, who knows, it might just transform yours too!

Yours in outstanding academic success

The University Dean

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