Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Why should you be thankful for bad grades?

One of the biggest secrets to success in any endeavor is thankfullness, or gratitude - even for things that you might not want right now. And, no doubt about it, that even includes any bad grades you might have got on an important test.

You see, I found that when I changed my mind set to one of prosperity and gratitude, all of a sudden I was a lot more at ease with myself and - as a result - my performance drastically improved.

Bad grades are great. They give you an indication that something you've done isnt't working. They also tell you where you need to grow and improve as a person, and they tell you that you will soon be feeling the thrill of excitement as you have found a new area for pushing yourself beyond your old artificial limits.

So be thankful. Thank the world for sending everything it gives you your way. Because through your unique experiences, you will become a better person and the challenges you receive will toughen you up, so that the next time it really matters, you know you will matter too.

If you want to know more about the law of thankfulness and how I found it could change my grades for the better be sure to order my forthcoming book! If this method worked for me, it could just work for you too.

Class dismissed.

The University Dean

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