Thursday, September 21, 2006

Imagine where could great grades take you!

If you can achieve great grades - genius grades even - then who knows where life can take you!

Where would you go if you could get grade grades? Grades so powerful and impressive that when others look at your achievements, they know that they are talking to someone who has mastered their subject...and more importantly themselves.

Getting great grades is important for many reasons. But regardless of the high paying jobs that might come your way - or the downright awe and admiration shown to you from your friends and colleagues - the real power that great grades bring is an increased belief and trust in yourself.

Quite simply, When you believe in yourself, what once would have seemed like magic could suddenly happen daily! Life could become easier. Easier in relating to others. Easier in getting things done. Easier in making money. And, easier in simply being at ease. Imagine that - a life of happiness, comfort and ease!

In my forthcoming book, I talk in detail about the power of focus, imagination and desire. Just imagine now, if you had that book. And, imagine if you only tried out just one or two techniques...and you found that they worked! How magical an experience could that be for you!

So stay tuned, because this semester is only just beginning. And, you could well be on your way to achieving genius grades!

Until next time.

The University Dean

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